(A) All white

LHO opens 3H, partner overcalls 3S, and RHO passes. What's your call?
(B) All white, matchpoints

Partner opens 1S. RHO overcalls 2H. What's your bid / plan?
(C) All white

LHO opens 1C, partner overcalls 1NT, and RHO passes. You can:
-bid 2H (transfer to spades)
-bid 2S (to show an invite with diamonds)
-bid 3C (weak transfer to diamonds)
-bid 2C (Stayman; pulling 2H to 2S shows an invitational hand with 5 spades)
(A) I decided to take the low road and pass. 3NT could work out, but it didn't feel right at the time. +140 was the limit on this particular board.
(B) I decided to bid up to 5D. This was very, very wrong.
(C) This is a really good hand for suit play. I decided to Stayman and pull to 2S (invitational) if partner bid 2H (or raise pard's 2S to game). Surprise, surprise-- he didn't have four hearts. Two diamonds was the top spot on the hand!
(A) 3NT, not really because I like my hand for game, but because we've already bid for 9 tricks and I think notrump is more likely to make than spades. Hopefully CHO doesn't bid 4s.
(B) This is a tough one. I'll bid 5d because I think this may convince LHO to bid 5h. I don't like the fact that I'm precluding us from playing in 4s.
(C) Stayman then 2s over 2h. This is a great hand for Keri if we were playing that -- I could invite in spades and still get out in 3d if partner doesn't have spade support.
As an intermediate:
A) I like pass here.
B) 5 diamonds and pray.
C) I had 3C, but now that I see that we can pass partner's 2 diamond bid over stayman, that.
This site provides very informative details. I am looking forward to reading more.
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