Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Friday club game

Marie and I tried again the next day at the club. Things went much better, but we had an oft-occurring problem at club bridge -- playing the wrong hands against the wrong opponents. Far too often, the opponents would get to the par spot, make a normal number of tricks (sometimes even lose a trick they shouldn't) but still get most of the matchpoints. So it goes...

(A) White vs. red

QT95 A63 4 T8762

Partner opens 1H in third chair, and righty overcalls 2D. You bid 2H, and lefty competes in diamonds. The auction:

P (P) 1H (2D);
2H (3D) P (P);

(B) White vs. red

Q5 AKJ764 T A954

Lefty opens 1D, partner passes, and RHO limit-raises with 3D. Do you bid?

(C) White vs. red

-- KQ762 AQJ974 73

You're first to speak.

(D) All red

AQT62 K3 852 432

Pard opens a 20-21 2NT. Your call.

(E) All red

52 AKJT843 J6 QT

You open 1H in first seat (at least, I hope you do). LHO jumps to 2S, which gets passed back to you. What's your call?

(F) White vs. red

QJ93 J6 A832 432

Pard opens 1H, righty bids 1S, and you bid 1NT. LHO raises to 2S, partner bids 3C, and RHO passes. What's your bid?


Noble said...

(A) 3h
Down two is good bridge, especially when it's a club game and you know they won't double you. Besides that, this has good chances to actually be the right bridge bid too.

(B) 3h
Not close to any other call.

(C) 1d*
The normal action is to open 1d, planning on reversing. *However I would open 1h in my partnerships.

(D) 3NT
Not enough to try for slam, and at matchpoints you want to play your 30ish HCP hands in 3NT, generally.

(E) 3h
Hardest problem of the set, but we could still be cold for 3NT opposite some hands that might not negative double.

(F) Pass
Partner is supposed to double with a big hand, so this is just a competitive bid.

McKenzie said...

(A) Law of Total Tricks be damned! This is certainly the time to bid to 3H with "only" three-card support. 3H was slated for down one, but the opponents pushed on to 4D, also down one.

(B) I thought this was worth 3H. Again they competed to 4D and went off one.

(C) I'm a huge proponent of opening your longest suit, but when you have longer diamonds than hearts, I'll often start with a heart. In fact, even with a hand like xx AKJx KQxxx xx I'll open 1H. The opponents got to 4S, and we saved in 5D on this auction:

1H (X) P (1S);
3D (3S) 4H (4S);
(5D) X (All Pass)

Partner made the great decision to pass 5DX with three hearts and two diamonds. 5D went off one, but 5H would have been brutal. The six-card suit handled the taps a lot better than the five-card suit would have. Well done Marie!

(D) I did the normal thing by transfering to 3S then bidding 3NT. In retrospect, I think I should have gone through Stayman and only insisted on spades if partner had four of them.

(E) I certainly feel that any hand short in spades on this auction should bid something. 3H seemed the only reasonable call.

(F) I passed 3C, and it didn't work out very well. Pard held x AKxxx KQx KJxx. I probably would have doubled 2S with that.